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President's Message - Q3 2024

Larry Reinhold | Published on 7/1/2024

High Beemers,

Riding season is in full swing. If you have been out riding recently, you will undoubtedly encounter hundreds of motorcycles on our roads. The weather has generally been great and so far we have not been impacted by smoke from any wildfires. Let's hope that remains the same for the rest of the summer.

Club Rides & Events

During Q2 of 2024 we held all of our scheduled monthly rides, including the breakfastrides on Mondays, preplanned rides on Saturdays and improvised rides on Sundays. Ride reports for all are on the website in the "Forums" section. Although not a planned official club event, the BMW MOA National Rally in Redmond, Oregon during mid June was attended by close to 40 High Beemers, which must be some kind of record. Those of us who went had a great time at the rally itself, on rides in the area, at the beerfest and at happy hours and restaurants. Some photos from the event are also on the website.

During Q3 of 2024 we plan to hold all of our scheduled monthlyrides as well as the fall picnic/BBQ. Please look at the "Event Calendar" on the website for details including start times and locations. The BMW RA is holding its National Rally during late August but it is in Maine and I have not heard of any High Beemers planning on attending. Please also note that the picnic/BBQ will be held on Saturday, September 28 at Elks Point on Lake Tahoe by Zephyr Cove, courtesy of Jim Edwards. Cross your fingers for great weather so we can enjoy the beautiful lake.

2024 Ride Contest - Quo Vadis?

Our annual ride contest is still open for registration. The entry fee is only $20 so please enter by going to the "Event Calendar" on the website, click on the February 22, 2024 event titled Quo Vadis? and follow the prompts. Contact Jim Edwards directly if you have any questions about the contest.


As of today, we have 95 regular members and 34 associate members for a total of 129; new members joining during the quarter were:

Primary Member Associate Member Residence Primary Bike
Peter Bell Reno Honda CTX 700
Bill Castleman Reno BMW RT
Daniel Hunter Sparks BMW K1600 GA
Robert Kirchman Reno BMW R1200 RT
Kevin Masullo Reno BMW M1000 XR
Chris Mikulich Reno Yamaha V-Star 1100
William Murphy Reno KTM 1290 SAS
Edward Nolan Verdi BMW R1200 GS
Robert Plant Reno Unknown
Blake Sobiloff Raina Sobiloff Reno BMW K1600 GTL
Gary Thompson Reno BMW R1300 GS

Please join me in welcoming these new members to the club. And I know I am a broken record on this topic, but please, please, please put a decent photo of yourself (not your bike) on your website photo so members can more easily recognize each other. There are instructions on how to do this on the "How To Tips" tab of the website.


As a sign of how diverse we are becoming, we now have members riding KTMs, Hondas, Yamahas, Moto Guzzis, Ducatis and other brands in addition to countless BMWs. And we have three members who are now riding with sidecars (Doug Laird, Sam Bexon and Jim Conley) and one who sometimes rides a Can-Am (Ken Johnson). Speaking of Doug Laird, he and Sara and others have just embarked on another cross country trip to Newfoundland. If you are interested in following their progress, you can use the following link:

As always please remember to ride safely. We all love riding motorcycles but it's inherently dangerous and we get sobering reminders of this at times. We lost Dan Burns earlier this year, and a few weeks ago Dirk Forrette was closely following a Harley down from Virginia City when that rider did not navigate a curve, hit an SUV head on and expired on the spot. It's a great hobby/sport but we all should ride within our own capabilities.

Finally, we rolled out a mobile app for the website recently. A lot of the members used it at the MOA Rally to keep in touch and coordinate things. It's not perfect but it is helpful, so if you want to use it please download it from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tracey McCormick.

See you on the road this summer.
Larry Reinhold
President, High Beemers